Thursday, July 16, 2009


i sort of forgot about the blog... yeah

Nothing too much is happening, i mean i've been having a great time, but nothing to really post about. Recounting how i went to the louvre wouldnt exactly be that interesting.

Let's see: Last night, in the tradition of "Wednesday Nightssss" bar hopping, I went out with one of my friends to this bar that was located in a cave. I mean the top was in a little building, but the downstairs area was a cave. it had the cave smell and everything. My friend and I ordered sangria, and when we ordered it we said "yeah a pitcher should be fine", well let me tell you kiddies, a pitcher = liter, and it was really really strong. Thank god the friend i was with is Irish, otherwise i dont think we could have finished it (damn my half asian ancestry!). After we broke a glass (dont ask) we left very quickly and in search of the parisian philly p, ate some crepes on the side of a random street and ambled back home.

Today i saw "rotisserie chicken" flavored potato chips and bought a bag. They were good...ish i mean they really did taste like chicken, it was a bit disturbing. The other flavors that Lays makes here (yes, Lays) are as follows: Barbecue (booooring), Bolognaise (i dont even know who buys this one), spicy, cheese, Mustard and pickles (really?! mustard AND pickles?), ham and cheese (because THAT combo is in short supply here), grilled caramelized sauce flavored (...), Italian flavored (olive oil... ok well thats somewhat normal...) and plain.


  1. hahahaha, oh sb...thank you for brightening my life. Also, have you tried all the lays flavors? Cause that would be pretty hardcore

  2. the rotisserie chicken potato chips are so bizarre
