Monday, March 8, 2010

Highlights from a weekend of Ultimate

I spent this weekend with the Ultimate Frisbee team that I found here in Lyon, which was basically their "team building" weekend or something like that. Essentially, we went to this community center, played all day long, had a party, slept there, then played for most of Sunday against a Swiss team. Most of my highlights come from the party, which was not ridiculous so much as silly beyond belief. Here's a list of what I think were the standout moments of the weekend:

In general:
  • Made real French friends, as well as some international friends.
  • It snowed. We played in the snow. It was awesome.
  • Learned some interesting new tactics for frisbee.
  • Got to watch part of the Lion King in French (as well as witness a large number of French adults absolutely glued to the screen behind the 3-year-old girl for whom the movie was intended)
At the party:
  • Sang along to Bohemian Rhapsody in a circle with a bunch of French people. They know a surprising number of the lyrics.
  • At one point found myself pretending to row a rowboat with 5 guys while a techno remix of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song played.
  • Danced like I was in that scene in the Breakfast Club. Apparently French dancing consists of bouncing around and waving your arms wildly. It was awesome.
  • Participated in a dance-off. Several, actually.
  • Traded shirts with a guy. My sweater was worn by at least three guys. I traded again and ended up in another girl's shirt. Apparently this is a team tradition.
  • Got serenaded in French while doing a semi-cha cha to a French song.
  • Saw some guy-on-guy dancing. It's not an Ultimate party without it.
  • At about 5am when there were only six people left, had a weird Mr. Scott-like dance experience which involved a rocking circle, a chain of people, and lots of spinning. Later witnessed more Mr. Scott-ish modern dance between two people who each appeared to be trying to fully encompass the other person with their body.
  • At about 6am, realized the sun was rising.
  • 7am: still dancing
  • 7:30am: finally went to bed, slept for less than an hour.
Basically, as happens any time I do anything frisbee related, I am now wishing my life could consist of an endless steam of Ultimate during the day and hanging out with Ultimate players at night. Alas, this is not the case. But I'm really glad that I decided to go on this little excursion, even though I went to my first (and only) practice last Tuesday, so I was essentially with a bunch of strangers. Once more, another reason for me to consider the Ultimate community worldwide as some of the friendliest, most welcoming and accepting people ever.

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