Monday, October 10, 2011

Back in France!

So I made it back to France. After way too much time in an embassy waiting room, packing stress, and annoying airport security, I landed safe and sound in Lyon almost 3 weeks ago. About a week and a half ago, I moved to Clermont-Ferrand for my orientation. Next Tuesday, I officially begin as an English language teacher (teaching assistant, technically, but I'm really going to be for realz teaching).

Here's a brief resume of the past 3 weeks:
I have played 2 ultimate tournaments and will play a 3rd next weekend.
I have a place to live! Which might be about 10 square meters. I move in this week, but meanwhile...
I live with French frisbee friends! Who are adorable and make me dinner and drive me places.
I eat McDonald's and ride trams and wish people would stop smoking on me.

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