Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ha ha i see

so i found the new post button, yay me.

i'm leaving this friday to go to Amsterdam with my padre, and then i will start the summer program in Paris.

Things I look forward to this summer:
1. FRANCE & other stuffs
2. being emo and posting emotional responses of my experiences on this blog
3. general coolness and the such

Things I do not look forward to:
1. annoying french people who feel superior to americans (if i want to wear my baseball hat, well goddamit i will wear it!)
2. gaining 1037837867 lbs from the food i will inevitably eat
3. being around people who do not bathe often


  1. I did not know you were going to Amsterdam...PARTY

    Also, embrace the whole "no bathing" thing. It's called cultural immersion, duh...

  2. ummm i was just confused for like 10 minutes because i didn't realize that was SB not you...i seriously thought i had been telling you to have fun in the wrong country this whole time.

    both of you enjoy yourselves wherever the eff you actually are.

    ps this is beth...AIM was the only posting profile applicable for me. yaaay high-school screen names!

  3. I keep trying to post, but I don't know how to. I will keep looking, but in the meantime, HOLA from Colombia!
    SB and Caitlin, hope you're enjoying your travels so far!
