Tuesday, May 26, 2009

T - 2 days

So, this is just to get this thing up and running so I can have it ready for when I go. Hopefully, I'll get some other people to participate, too, so we can keep it real together!

Brief introduction to my study abroad experience: I am going to Japan for a little over 8 weeks through a Princeton program. Most of my time there, I'll be living with a homestay family and taking Japanese classes in Kanazawa, but then at the end I'll rendez-vous with my parents and we'll head over to Tokyo for another 5 days by ourselves. I studied Japanese for a few years in high school, but I started over in college and now have 2 years under my belt. However, I am thoroughly expecting to not be able to communicate with pretty much anyone about pretty much anything. So, get excited for what will no doubt be some interesting stories! I'll post pictures when I can, though most of those will probably go on facebook, so if you really want to see them, check there!


  1. it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to write on this thing, so i apologize in advance if i dont write enough on it.

    caitlin, if merav and i are the only people following this, why did you give us a summary we already know?

  2. You're the contributors...other people will (hopefully) follow it, silly

  3. i see.

    this blogging thing is weird. i feel so old bc i dont quite understand the point of this. (Perhaps underscoring the fact that i am actually an old woman at heart)

  4. Don't stay in your room the whole time doing sudoku.
