Saturday, May 30, 2009

I finally found the post button too!

Well HOLA from the warm land of Colombia, South America, where in fact, the temperature in the past couple of days has been at least 90 and humid. (Some people died last week when it was 44 degrees celsius...I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit...definitely over 100).

Anyways, Colombia is pretty swell (I almost said cool...but it's only cool in the over-airconditioned apartments), as usual. First, we went to the capital, Bogotá, for 2 days to visit my cousin and her two baby daughters, who are adorable. And yesterday we came up north to the coast to Barranquilla, where my grandparents live. Hanging out with the grandparents is always pretty fun. I am very well-fed and spoiled and I don't do much except hang out and relax and sleep.

To follow SB's lead:
Things I look forward to in Colombia
1. Manicure, pedicure, facial, etc.! WAHOO.
2. My cousin's wedding, which will be fun.
3. Hitting the beach!
4. Eating lots of good food, especially tropical fruit!!!

Things I don't look forward to:
1. Not having my other cousins at the wedding (but hopefully there will be other fun people)
2. The high probability that I will get a sunburn, given the unnaturally white color of my skin at present.
Other than is good. This post is lame.
Hope everyone is having a super fun time wherever you all are. Caitlin and SB, I want to hear about your adventures! If I don't post again from here I'll definitely post from Europe.


1 comment:

  1. 1. Yay for finding the new post button!
    2. Yay for Weddings and beaches!

