Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here. Alive. Safe.

That's really all there is to say at the moment...tomorrow there's an information session at my soon-to-be school where I will presumably meet the other foreign exchange students here this semester. I'm not sure that all the people from Georgetown are gonna be there, though, as Georgetown was a bit fuzzy on getting us all the information about this and I had to trek it out to the campus today to find out when/where it was gonna take place. And everyone at my university seemed completely mystified by the fact that I have to go to an orientation at the other university, but now that I look again perhaps I was just explaining myself poorly. A feat to be repeated many times, I'm sure.

My host family is lovely! It's big and loud and cute and generally awesome. I'm getting a tour of the city tomorrow from my host brother, which promises to be interesting, especially since he's sorta in love with America and likes "to speak Franglais"...I can't wait to see how his Franglais compares to mine. Somehow I think we have different concepts of the word...

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