Sunday, January 17, 2010

How typical of me, to completely forget I have a blog

Yes, I have in fact managed to completely forget that I'm supposed to be blogging right now. Shame on me. Especially considering that the weather outside this whole week has been pretty rainy and miserable, minus a few nicer moments. And of course, now that it looks beautiful and sunny outside, I decide to hole up in my room and write to my faithful readers (har har har).

France is lovely. I've slowly gotten used to the city, though I'm pretty sure that not all of it quite looks like the part I'm in (I seem to be living in the Georgetown of Lyon). Of course, living in my area does have its downsides, such as the pocketbook taking quite a few blows, but I'm bravely struggling on nonetheless. And by "struggling", I mean finding set menu meals at restaurants where I can eat fabulous goat cheese salads, delicious chicken entrees, and UNBELIEVABLE chocolate flan deserts. It is well worth the damage I'm doing to my finances. And I think I'm damaging my finances so much because I've recently learned of all the money that 1) Georgetown and 2) the French government are going to give me. Gotta love study abroad!

There are other downsides, obviously, the most glaring one being everyone's general issue with the French higher education system. One day they might stumble upon a way to do their class registration logically; until then, I suppose we'll all just have to brave the system that has been in place since the Renaissance. I kid, I kid...sorta.

Classes start Monday. Of course, I don't have class until Tuesday. But I will be going to my university, mainly to demand explanations from people in various departments as to why their class times are so difficult to find, but also to meet my language exchange partner! The joys of being completely unintelligible to French people will have no end, it seems.

1 comment:

  1. caitlin, you are wonderful, and i am sure will triumph in the face of... er... french nonsensicalness
