Monday, June 7, 2010

Let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France

I spent the weekend in the French countryside, celebrating the 25th birthday of a guy on the frisbee team. It was a dream: it was sunny and hot, there was a little river we went to and threw discs in, and even though there were a lot of houses around there weren't that many people. Well, excluding the partiers, anyway...there were 30 of us. The party went from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, and I know at least a few people stayed up past 7am both days. I sang, I danced, I did a tequila shot with 30 year olds (my favorite thing ever is drinking with people who party like they're in their 20s but are actually 33). I dressed up as a Care Bear (Bedtime Bear, which in French is "Gros Dodo"). I ate burgers and sausages to my heart's content. I played a game that I need to find in the States so that I can take it to's the ultimate college game. I watched card games that I didn't understand in the slightest.

I could spend every weekend out there and never get tired of it. Oh, and now I eat cherries. And drink coffee. And drink beer (which I feel is maybe not the accomplishment I'm the most proud of on this trip). 3 1/2 weeks is not enough time to spend here with these people.

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