Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's wrong with starting a lemonade stand business in France?

So, I just made lemonade from scratch here. This was born from a conversation I had two days ago with a guy on my frisbee team:

Me: Man, I'd really like some lemonade right now.
Cédric: What? Why?
Me: Well, it's such a summer drink.
Cédric: Yeah, it's cool, it's refreshing, it's carbonated...
Me: It's carbonated?! What?
Cédric: Uhhh...duh.'s not carbonated in the US?

Thus we discovered that "limonade" and lemonade are not in fact the same drink. And so we bought some limonade so that I could understand what this weird (clear) bubbly French drink was, and then we made lemonade from scratch. This is why I love my life here.

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