Monday, June 1, 2009

Greetings from the future

Sorry it's taken me so long to post. Life's a little hectic here, and getting the internet can be a bit difficult, especially when 40 kids are all trying to use the wireless at the same time. I'll try to be quick and say as much as I can!

Japan is CRAZY. There's vending machines everywhere, but they only sell's weird. Also, the buses are scarily clean. I'm constantly weirded out by how little garbage there is everywhere. Still, I guess that's something that shouldn't take too much getting used to.

My host family is ridiculously cute. There's my dad, who kinda looks Indian and doesn't really know how to handle me. Then there's my mom, who's really into new age stuff like crystals and all that; she's also extremely protective of me and also about the nicest person ever. She runs an adorable coffeeshop that I love. Then there's the grandmother, who I've only met once, but she seems like the world's most stereotypical Japanese grandmother. My host sister is kinda one of those crazy stylish asian teens, and she's really intimidating, but fortunately she doesn't really live with the family, so we don't see each other much. Oh, and the three dogs, who make a habit of attacking me in my room whenever they can...but I forgive them.

School is good so far, I guess. I have more fun getting interogated by the workers at my fam's coffeeshop, who ask me to clarify the difference between things like "meet" and "meat" in English and then act shocked when I can piece together a sentence in Japanese. Sooooo cute!

If I get a chance later when the internet's working again, I'll throw another update out!


  1. sounds like you're having a good time thus far. i have yet to meet the host family i am staying with, yet i do not relish carrying my 40lbs bag up 6 flights of stairs. apparently zeir elevator iz, how you say...? "out of order"

  2. i am jealous of the cleanliness...i was in rome, which i believe to be the italian trash dump.
