Friday, June 5, 2009

One week in...

Other people need to update this thing…I look like the only freak who’s doing anything, it’s kinda embarrassing.

Everything’s going great here. I’m making friends with a real live Japanese schoolgirl, who said to me the other day: “I speak English. You understand it. I’m happy!” She’s so adorable it’s killing me. I managed to ride the bus incorrectly yesterday, though, so that was a failure. Still, I think I’ve had more wins than losses. I take baths every night, which is wonderful, and I watch wacky Japanese television where they play games to see who can shake a coat the most. Yeah, I’m being serious.

Sadly, I’m having trouble with that whole “exercise” thing. There’s NOWHERE here to exercise, or to throw discs or anything. There are parks, but they’re works of art, and I’m pretty sure no one would appreciate us throwing there. Plus, I’m not sure if the Japanese really think women can exercise. A question for my sensei.

I took a ton of pictures when we went to a local park for a tea ceremony. The Japanese certainly know how to make parks. I'll upload most of them to facebook soon. Keep an eye out!

1 comment:

  1. well you're the only one doing anything at the moment. I have to head to my host fam in a few hours. I promise to post about it so you dont feel like a weirdo
