Friday, June 5, 2009

I forgot to mention this last time...

I ate this. In case you're wondering what in god's name it is, let me explain. Those are doughnut hamburgers. They consist of doughnut buns, crunchy chocolate "meat", and some sort of sauce. I didn't even realize they had toppings until I started to eat them. Let me tell you, that was a shock. The first one I ate had strawberry cream in it. When I opened the next one, expecting the same, I ended up looking at a mysterious green paste, which upon tasting turned out to be green tea. Surprise! Let's just say I'm not going to repeat this experience any time soon.


  1. i can't believe you ate two of them

  2. I payed good money for them, of course I ate them!

  3. "I payed [sic] good money for them, of course I ate them!" YOU WOULD.
    P.S. Apparently you have forgotten how to spell in English. Teehee

  4. omg that looks delicious. What an amazing idea- in complete seriousness

