Wednesday, June 10, 2009


not that this is terribly notable, but the family i'm staying with has a cat named "Chou Chou". now chch is one freaky dude. I've woken up on numerous occasions with him staring at me, sleeping on my crotch (above the covers!) or alternatively my chest so that i cannot breath. Also chch likes to lull you into a false sense of security, and while you pet him he takes a huge bite out of your arm. I could forgive all this is he didnt follow me around as well. i cant take the feline bedroom eyes...

Also, in unrelated stories, the other night i was taking a shower and something eventful happened. Now my host mother told me to be careful when stepping out bc the bathroom has a tendency to overflow. now after i took my shower, i carefully, ever so slightly/delicately etc etc reached for my towel and the end of it hooked onto a precariously placed glass foundation bottle on the sink and broke on the floor. now there is foundation EVERYWHERE and also broken glass. I look down and i notice that the i have a gash on my leg and its bleeding on the bath mat, and so I suddenly find myself all at once trying to clean up the foundation, mop up the water on the floor, keep my leg from bleeding, pick up the glass shards (giving me more cuts all over my hands in the process) all the while freezing my butt off bc i am still only wearing a towel! It was the host sister's foundation, so i had to tell her about it when she came to use the bathroom while i was half dressed and covered in foundation, toilet paper and blood. that was certainly awkward/maladroit. yay


  1. OH NO!!! poor SB!!! that shower incident is awful.
    also that cat sounds like the devil.

  2. You just don't appreciate cats, you dog person you!
